Thursday, April 5, 2007

Spring break

Everyone seems to be enjoying their spring break. What a great time of the year it is to frolick about without a care in the world. Dancing, jumping, shouting with glee as the sun and the flowers embrace your carefree world.
Everyone is cooped up in their little house whiling their time away reading, studying, and giving an excuse to go to the glasses shop to get new lenses for degenerating eyes. Everyday is routine.
1. Breakfast (very fulfilling)
2. Study (whatever the teachers have cunningly slipped into the break)
3. Lunch (too full)
4. Run (a few laps)
5. Study (see 2)
6. Dinner (the usual)
7. Practice violin (getting frustrated often)
8. Study (until the point of exhaustion)
9. Sleep
Doesn't that just look productive to you? Yes, this break has been very fruitful. My eyes are getting blurrier everyday. Bright lights have a ghost image behind them now (astigmatism) and cars have fuzzy edges (myopia). I used to have 20-20. The sacrifices I make...
It's not good for me, I know. But it's just that the breakfasting and the studying and the lunching and the routining allows me to imagine my carefree world. I'm in my carefree world. Without death there's no life.

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