Thursday, April 26, 2007

Caught between dreams

I walked in through the school gate and my friend was there waiting for me. He turned around and started smoking as I walked up next to him. The casual hand with the cigarette between his index and middle finger swung down as a trail of smoke floated out from his invisible mouth. It was like a thin film of sin. I start to run away from it on the track. My legs aren't moving but the red bright rubber flowed fast like a river of blood.

I'm running through the hallways but the walls are transparent. Lockers flash by. Neat, messy, dirty, empty. I see teachers with their hands in mid-air explaining some obscure concept to indifferent students with their chins resting on their hands. They all flash by like photos in a photo album. The photos start to burn one by one like pages in a book. The edges curl, the teachers melt, and the students turn a charcoal black.

Where did time go? It's lost in the black abyss. My kindergarten self with three pigtails stands before me smiling. I was so happy then, where did time go? The pulse is lost, it is erratic. It goes beep, beep, beep, stop. I open my clasped hands discovering a clock that forever reads 3 am.
I still have an essay to write. I wake up.

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