Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cloned beef

My first reaction to the idea of cloned beef was one of utter revolt. For some peculiar reason, six out of ten react the same way I do. If one were to think of cloned beef literally, it is no different than the cow it was cloned from. If people ate the original beef, eating the cloned beef would be exactly the same. Same smell, taste, texture, etc. So why do we have such negative feelings towards cloned beef?
I suppose it's the thought of "machine-made" and "unnatural" products that comes into mind. The immediate reflex is to believe that there's something wrong with unnatural things. It seems that a steak of cloned beef just wouldn't seem as tasty and as juicy as one would want it anymore. But that is not the case for it has been approved.
This issue leaves one wondering whether to change the view of things or whether it is an issue worth pondering. However, I would never eat one strip of cloned beef. It's genes are just too perfect. I apologize in advance to those who feel that cloned beef could save the economy but believe me, it won't. People don't want to eat cloned beef. They want genuine beef because that's what tickles their senses when they see the bloody, juicy slab of beef on the dinner table. It's quite sadistic, why make it worse?
Don't eat cloned beef :]

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