Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fat-fighting baby milk

As we all know, this world is increasing in obesity, most evidently in the United States. They've tried everything from variously named diets to all types of bizarre methods. Mixing this with a barrage of commercial ads brain-washing all types of people, it's not a surprise that the United States has the most cases of anorexia and bulimia. The people subjected to such vices have always been teenagers and young adults but now, it's even worse. Their target has become babies. Fat-fighting baby milk comes into the spotlight.
Supposedly, the ingredient leptin that they add to the mix suppresses the baby's desire to eat. How much crueler could this get? Well, they think that it will help decrease the baby's chances of becoming obese in the future. However, there is evidence that the babies who are breast-fed have a lower chance of obesity than those who are fed formulated milk. It is actually quite simple if one were to control obesity but everyone is disillusioned by technology.
Instead of wasting time trying to find ingredients that will stunt a baby's appetite wouldn't it be a great idea to go back to the basics? Avoid McDonalds and go for a run and enjoy the scenery. Think about it, people ages ago used to do fine hunting and gathering and they weren't struck by this epidemic called obesity. Baby milk stained with leptin? Forget it my friend. Babies will only get more obese knowing that they can eat with impunity with their friend leptin there to support them. Let's leave the babies untainted please and preserve their innocent dignity.
So, shall we dance? And burn off some fat while we're at it?

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