Thursday, April 5, 2007

White Coat

I am officially reconsidering the pursuit of a medical career. I didn't know that there was such a gruesome hierarchical culture in hospitals. I was blinded by the childish hopes of wearing a white coat.
There are so many rungs to climb before one reachs the top. Medical student, resident, intern, doctor. One has to sacrifice one's life for a career like that. Long hours are spent on call and the dream of living a happily married life is quite dismal. 50% of doctors get divorced. I'm not looking that far into life yet but it has to be considered.
In addition to long sufferable hours, one must endure the belittling of those above you. Doctors to interns. Interns to residents. Residents to medical students. Plus one has to study everything that one wouldn't want to study (surgery, ob-gyn).
What does it take to be comfortable in a white coat, to be stepping on the shoulders of all those beneath you? Read White Coat by Ellen Lerner Rothman and you'll know what I mean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.