Sunday, May 20, 2007


I have a special craving for cookies that started developing and maturing itself as the stress level increased this year. This craving is quite special because cookies have a certain significance to my life. They are the givers of joy, of happiness, of wholeness, sweet pleasure. Those imperfectly round slices of dough dotted with melting chocolates chips is the only thing that is able to make me disregard the fat gain that comes along with it in its nice little packages. As I bite into the chewy, crunchy center, I'm swept away from all the problems that await me on my desk. Total bliss.
I am constantly defeated by the power of these cookies. These seductive deserts are like vices that become addictions as you become helpless in other areas of life (school). They are able to numb me from the harsh realities that I must confront everyday, and they truly help pull me through hard times. This is why when I'm sad, I eat a cookie and life's good. I guess I could term it my best friend now because we pretty much live off of each other. They get the honor of being eaten while I obtain the privilege to eat it. It's a mutual thing.
When I received a bag of homemade cookies today, it was like a whole batch of happy pills. And that in itself, just looking at it, made me ecstatic. The possibilities were infinite and promising. I will be able to get through the school year just fine. Maybe I will have to use a bit more effort to put on those jeans but it will all be worth it in the end.

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